Retirement Readiness Score

Retirement Readiness Score (RRS) Tool

Retirement Readiness Score (RRS) Calculator

Note: This tool is designed to help answer the question Can I retire? for individuals aged 45 or older, providing a way to quickly assess their retirement readiness.

Income Reminder: Please do not include your earned income from work. Only include passive or guaranteed retirement income, such as Social Security, pension, or annuity income.

Disclaimer: This tool provides a quick check to assess where you stand in terms of retirement readiness. It is not a recommendation to retire or an evaluation of your ability to retire. The calculation is a simplified assessment and should not replace advice from a qualified financial professional. Consider a comprehensive financial plan for a deeper dive into your financial situation.

RRS Scale

0-29: Critical – Significant improvements needed.
30-49: Caution – Some areas need attention.
50-69: Stable – On track, but room for improvement.
70-84: Optimized – Well-prepared for retirement.
85-100: Thriving – Exceptional readiness!

discover what your score means

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